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Here we offer you with diverse contents regarding E Ink/E-paper display. Trying our best we wish to cover every aspects of the whole industry and we talk about solutions, proof of concepts and also sell some nice products.

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Try out our products NOW

We will land some nice products based on E-paper display + nice PCB +good firmware sold as ToC commodities; Also support custom service

View what's on offer

Intelligent WiFi graphics gallery for E-paper/Other displays

A good solution-Intelligent WiFi graphics gallery for diverse E-paper display.

Go and try the solution!

Our Services

What we can do for the customers

Basically our services include the following four aspects

Meet our expert

To whom you can turn for help?

Experienced hardware/firmware engineer from Good Display's tech dept., zealous for IoT solutions based on E-paper, capable of custom your solution bringing more added value!

Shiningman the engineer
Marvellous guy

Email: zh@good-display.com SNS: twitter.com/iluvsuaoni/

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Technical sharing on E-paper display/ Industry news/OpenSource Projects/Track of our daily work&life

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